

physically, emotionally, spiritually

What is Naturopathy?

In naturopathy we look at the root cause of suffering and use nature to fix it. The body knows how to heal itself we just have to stop blocking communication and give it what it needs to balance itself. As naturopaths we don’t look at taking away the symptoms, because they will always return with a environment conducive for them. We look at symptoms as a way to tell us whats going on, address the cause of symptoms, creating an internal terrain of health that imbalances cannot exist in.

We are much more complex than to just treat the physical. In order for healing to happen at the root, the mental, and spiritual aspects have to be aligned too. Every organ and tissue in the body has a specific emotion that is stored in that area, so a dysfunctioning organ could be due to physical damage or a suppressed emotion.

“Disease” or dis-ease, is a lot simpler than we think when we take away the diagnosed names and break down what is going on in the body. You are only as healthy as your cells, if we can get cells healthy then hormones are communicating, neurons are firing, immune cells kick in for protection, frequencies are balanced, and the natural elimination and rebuilding processes are flowing.